TimeCube 时时之境

< 时时之境 TimeCube > 承载了艺术家采样的“时间”,并通过视觉与听觉的变化体现。观众或表演者介入装置,打破时间规则,触发变化,使时间暂停、放缓、拉长或压缩。盒子不仅是容器,更是创造性工具,令时间成为艺术媒介,引发观众对时间和艺术的新认识。
<TimeCube > a sampled segment of “time” by the artist, expressed through visual and auditory changes. When viewers or performers interact with the installation, they disrupt the time rules, triggering variations that pause, slow, extend, or compress time. The box is not just a container but a creative tool, making time an artistic medium and inspiring new perceptions of time and art in the audience.

时间的扩展 Expansion of time
The first chapter begins with simple two-dimensional lines and geometric shapes, symbolising mankind’s linear understanding of time. As the music subtly crescendos from a soft and quiet introduction, the visuals transition into a three-dimensional tunnel, representing the multidimensional nature of time, reflecting the infinity and timelessness of the universe. This initial chapter sets the stage for an immersive exploration of time, suggesting its complexity and infinity.

时间乱流 time warp
在 “时间乱流 “中,动态视觉效果反映了时间流动的不可预测性和波动性。视觉元素充满活力地向不同方向移动,与反映这种不稳定性的配乐同步。随着章节的推进,视觉效果和音乐都逐渐平静下来,象征着时间方向和节奏的变化。这一章概括了时间不可预测、不断变化的运动及其潜在的不稳定性的本质,吸引观众思考时间本身的多面性。
In “Time Turbulence”, dynamic visuals reflect the unpredictability and volatility of the flow of time. The visual elements move energetically in different directions, synchronised with a soundtrack that reflects this instability. As the chapter progresses, both the visuals and the music calm down, symbolising the changes in the direction and rhythm of time. The chapter encapsulates the unpredictable, ever-changing movement of time and its potentially unstable nature, engaging the viewer to consider the multifaceted nature of time itself.

多元宇宙冥想 Multiverse Meditation
将观众带入令人匪夷所思的 “多重时间线 “概念中,通过分形算法,视觉效果和音乐逐渐分裂成复杂的层次。随着层次的增加和分化,观众将踏上一段旅程,领略不同时间线的浩瀚和错综复杂。这种身临其境的体验最终会让观众认识到这一假设的深刻含义,甚至可能是令人抓狂的含义,挑战人们对时间和存在本质的先入为主的观念。
Taking the audience into the mind-boggling concept of “multiple timelines”, the visuals and music gradually split into complex layers through fractal algorithms. As the layers increase and diverge, the audience will embark on a journey through the vastness and intricacies of different timelines. This immersive experience will ultimately allow the viewer to realise the profound, perhaps even gripping implications of this assumption, challenging preconceived notions about time and the nature of existence.

时间的永恒 Eternity of Time
“时间的永恒 “深入探讨了存在的永恒性,扭曲和弯曲了视觉和音乐元素。图像被反转、来回播放,偶尔被定格,所有这些都是为了呼应时间本身的流动性和无限性。音乐也是如此,时而扭曲,时而交织,时而与视觉效果一致,时而又形成对比,营造出一种迷离而又令人着迷的体验。本章挑战观众对时间的理解,推动他们认识和接受时间的永恒连续性。它旨在提升人们对时间和空间的感知,暗示人们超越时空进入另一个宇宙的可能性,让观众为时间的无限潜力所震撼。
“The Eternity of Time” delves into the timelessness of existence, twisting and bending visual and musical elements. Images are reversed, played back and forth, and occasionally framed, all to echo the fluidity and infinity of time itself. The music, too, is sometimes twisted and intertwined, sometimes in unison with the visuals and sometimes in contrast, creating a disorientating and mesmerising experience. This chapter challenges the viewer’s understanding of time, pushing them to recognise and accept its eternal continuity. It aims to heighten the perception of time and space, suggesting the possibility of transcending time and space into another universe, leaving the viewer awestruck by the infinite potential of time.

Caoyuxi Studio Credits:
Visual Arts: Cao Yuxi(James)
視覺藝術: 曹雨西
Sound Arts: Lau Hiukong
Installtation Design/Consturction: Su Mingze
裝置設計/建造:Su Mingze
Producer: Lemon