Palindrome Codex 回文法典

< Palindrome Codex 回文法典 > 是一件視聽裝置作品,它挑戰了線性時間概念,編織了一幅身臨其境的掛毯。在這裏,人們既可以正向體驗時間的流動,也可以反向體驗時間的流動。這件作品從薩托方碑神秘的幾何圖形中汲取靈感,創造出令人著迷的視聽景觀。它利用創新的人工智能技術,製作出閃爍、錯亂的視覺效果,與復古未來主義元素和精心創作的配樂交織在一起,與裝置的永恒主題產生共鳴。
<Palindrome Codex> is an audio-visual installation that challenges the notion of linear time, weaving an immersive tapestry where one can experience the flow of time both forwards and backwards. The work draws inspiration from the enigmatic geometry of the Sartor Square monument to create a mesmerising audio-visual landscape. It utilises innovative artificial intelligence techniques to produce shimmering, dislocated visuals, interwoven with retro-futuristic elements and an elaborate soundtrack that resonates with the timeless themes of the installation.

除了藝術表現形式之外, < PALINDROME CODEX 迴文法典 >還是對時間和存在的深刻探索。通過將古老的象徵意義與尖端技術相融合,它提供了一種反思和超越的體驗,在這種體驗中,開始與結束融爲一體,成爲一個永恆的連續體。作爲新媒體藝術無限創造力和智慧深度的證明,這件裝置作品給人留下了難忘的印象,吸引觀衆去思考時間和永恆的奧祕。
Beyond artistic expression, <Palindrome Codex> is a profound exploration of time and existence. By fusing ancient symbolism with cutting-edge technology, it offers a reflective and transcendent experience in which beginnings and endings merge into a timeless continuum. As a testament to the infinite creativity and intellectual depth of new media art, this installation leaves an unforgettable impression and draws the viewer into contemplating the mysteries of time and eternity.

未來在 < PALINDROME CODEX 回文法典 >的基礎上,我們將進行多重世界的再創作,致力於進一步拓展其藝術表達與觀眾體驗。此次再創作將不僅僅是藝術表現形式的延續,更是對其內在哲學與科學探索的深度發掘。
In the future, based on “Palindrome Codex,” we will undertake multiverse recreations, aiming to further expand its artistic expression and audience experience. This recreation will not merely continue its artistic form but also delve deeply into its underlying philosophical and scientific explorations.

△ Interval Festival 2023|Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | A/V Installation

△ Pixel echo 2023|北京798藝術區|A/V Performance

△ 重慶第二屆光影藝術季 2023|重慶 九龍坡藝術公園|A/V Performance

△ OPEN_STUDIO 2024|深圳設計公社|A/V Performance
Integrating technology and art, these recreations will fully utilize the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to generate more complex and dynamic visual effects. These technologies will enhance the expressiveness of the visual effects and introduce richer interactivity, allowing the audience to engage in a deeper immersive experience within the artwork. We will explore the interaction between geometric forms and natural patterns, seamlessly blending traditional artistic elements with modern technology to create artworks that are both visually striking and rich in content.

△ SYSTEM_UPDATES 2024 | 上海 SYSTEM | A/V Performance
Visual Art:Caoyuxi ( James ),MXY,Kikua
Sound Art:LauHiuKong(Lawrence)
Technical Support:Zhenshi Yuanjing Art Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Special Thanks:DotSimulate