Seasonal Proximities 四时比邻
SEASONAL PROXIMITIES is an immersive new media art installation created by Cao Yuxi Studio in 2021, it was start with an Yuxi’s obsession over the impressionism in digital concept area. He think that We, the human as constantly evolving creature, are now into new uncharted area where our main visual scope is digital pixel based. All our perception of the everything has mutated digital impression version in our mind. He believe this shifting proximity over the real or nature world is new impressionism concept. So he want to create a dynamic impressionism paintings that can drive his audience to re-consider this new impressionism digital art world we are living in.

△ Exhibition | Veranos de la Villa festival 2023, Madrid
△ 展览|马德里 城市之夏艺术节 2023

△ 永久收藏|深圳 前海壹方汇购物中心
△ Permanent Collection | Qianhai Uniway Shopping Mall, Shenzhen

△展览|博柏利 寰宇艺境 |上海 恒隆广场
△Exhibition | Burberry Imagined Landscapes |Plaza 88. Shanghai


△ 公共艺术|2023 在青山·群响艺术季|杭州 青山村
△ Public Art | 2023 Reverberation Qingshan Art Season | Qingshan Village, Hangzhou

感謝莫斯科“光之城 “藝術節的邀請,一起在地標性公園Zaryadye內創作四時比鄰新的公共藝術繫列版本。四時比鄰繫列作品通過對實體植物進行完整的實時三維掃描,在虛擬空間中使用粒子渲染出猶如印象派藝術畫麵風格,爲觀衆營造出了新的沉浸式新媒體印象派的藝術花園。
Thanks to an invitation from the City of Light Festival in Moscow, a new version of the public art linkage Four Times the Neighbor was created in the iconic Zaryadye Park. The Four Time Neighbor artwork creates a new immersive new media Impressionist art garden for the audience by scanning a complete real-time 3D scan of a physical plant and using particles to create an Impressionist art painting style in the virtual space.

△ 公共艺术|2024 莫斯科“光之城 “艺术节|Zaryadye 公园
△ Public Art|2024 Moscow “City of Light” Festival|Zaryadye Park

△ 公共艺术|X·超体都市|南京 万象天地
△ Public Art|X·MixCity|MixC, Nanjing

△ 重燃|展览|重庆时代美术馆
△ Rekindle | Exhibition | Time Museum, Chongqing
Caoyuxi Studio Credit:
Visual Design:Caoyuxi (James),Su Mingze
Techinical Artist:Caoyuxi (James),Su Mingze
Tech Setup:MXY